i drove a long ways from home.
across this state of mine and into a whole new state of mind.
it was the furthest i’ve driven, the furthest i’ve driven alone.
and the further i went, the
further i got from the heart i didn’t know i left behind.
i drove away from home and
when i returned i realized i didn’t have a home.
i had somewhere to come back
to, with a family who missed me, but this is not my home.
this place, here on earth, is
not my home.
this place is temporary,
fleeting; like emotions, like our earthly possessions, like anything not built
on a solid foundation of Christ.
i came back to this place, my
house that i won’t call home, with a conviction that i should be and should
have for a long time been striving for a life constantly in the pursuit of my
i should be longing for the intimacy that i get to have with the God
of the universe that i, in no way,
i want a character that
reflects Christ’s love so clearly.
i want to seek Him and believe
that everywhere i go, is Holy Ground.
i want to long for His word.
i want to fix my eyes on what
is eternal, what is everlasting.
i want to make every decision
a decision to g l o r i f y Him.
i came back home to Christ.
Heaven is my home.
my God is my home.
my God, You are home.