pur·pose (pûr-puh-s)
1. the object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an
aim or a goal.
2. the reason for which something
exists or is done, made, used, etc.
someone once told me, "when you find what it is God made you for, that is your purpose, and you have to do that thing. that's what your life was made for. that is why you are here."
i haven't been able to forget that since i heard it. and since then i've thought a lot about our purpose here as people, as followers of Christ, and my own place in the midst of it all.
something changed in me tonight. everything seemed to all set in and over me. i felt calm and ready to respond to Gods call.
i was reminded of what i had been trying to find; my purpose.
and i think it found me tonight.