Thursday, June 20, 2013

the details

i've noticed that the big things always seem to fade out in your mind. the important things, the things that mattered. the parts of it that brought you to where you are now go away somehow. always.

then you're only left with the details. 

the small, minuscule details that get reminded to you through a song, or a smell, or place you once went with him. a blouse you put on and remember that the last time you wore it, he told you looked good that night. driving by a place that held homage to where many words and vulnerable truths were exchanged. a song on the radio that brings you back to his car, that night you drove until the freeway ended. a look in the eyes of someone else that makes you realize his look was so different.
and it all isn't so bad anymore. in fact it's nice. it's something like a small victory, almost worth celebrating that they don't ache behind your eyes as your memory replays it for you...that all these memories are fond ones now. 

the victory in knowing what it’s like to feel that way, and because of that you know now you could never settle for feeling less about someone else.
