Monday, January 27, 2014

“You are beautiful because you let yourself feel, and that is a brave thing indeed.”
Shinji Moon 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

what i'm listening to

currently adoring these sweet English sissies and their enchanting gifts.

i want to see the colours of a different sky


Thursday, January 16, 2014

i went to the sea.
the full moon illuminated the beach.
it's brilliance boasted of its maker.
a silent wind whispered past speaking of utter peace, collecting wisps of hair resting on cheek bones.
with it took my breath away. and any decided thought paved by time apart.
and for a moment, i wished you could have seen it too.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

"i made a promise such a long time ago that i would take in experiences-- all of them, 
so i could tell the people about them and maybe save them, but it gets so tiring.
i try to take in all the experiences for everybody, letting anyone say anything to me. 
and i realized i'm not different. i want what everyone wants. i want all the things.

i just want to be happy."

-girls, hbo

Monday, January 6, 2014

"don't ever tell anybody anything. if you do, you start missing everybody." - j.d. salinger

Thursday, January 2, 2014

where i find you

i don’t recognize myself
tinted green of jealousy and physical ailment from my selfishness and inability to simply be happy for others
self-loathing so strong my body aches in rejection
i’m often struggling to feel happy at all
where i lack happiness, i lack in compassion and a listening ear

my saving grace has been reliance on the one who has grace enough to save a wreck like me
and a wreck like me really needs saving quite often these days
and out of His grace I find myself no longer wondering, “why is this happening?” instead i ask Him, “what are you trying to teach me with this? what can i learn here?”

i find myself on my knees all of the time. praying for a sign, for an answer, for something
calling out to God for something i can understand
for something that makes sense
for something i can reason with
but reason to me is not reason to Him

this holiday season was of particular difficulty.
overrun by things of least importance, the hustle and bustle and neglect of what really matters, i find myself wishing i could turn back time and do it all over again.
recreate the memories now engrained in time
make new the things i know i can’t change as much i wish i could
but again, i ask “what are you trying to teach me, God?”

i will wait in silence. with any shred of obedience and patience i can find within myself, and where i fail, i will lean on His unending grace with steadfast hope.
for a foolish sinner that is me, i have a God who perfects unconditional love.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

yet another year's resolve

smile more
talk with strangers, learn about other's stories
live simpler
read the bible more
spend more time outdoors
make better and more intentional eye contact with others
read more books
wear lipstick
relish in the happy
take more pictures
travel & explore
write music
craft more, give others gifts made from my hands
wear high heels
love unconditionally, sincerely, and intentionally
experiment with new hair colors
write more
be daring and bold, with my words and actions
laugh a lot
be a better friend, sister, daughter
remain thirsty for adventure, fueled by courage
