Sunday, June 2, 2013

turning the page

adaptation. To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation.
v.intr. To become adapted:

as humans we are constantly adapting. inwardly and outwardly. either by force or choice, it is necessary and unavoidable. and this is great, don't get me wrong. the product of change is an evolving perspective and expanding opportunity. honest to goodness, i pray i never stop. however, i'm not going to tell you it is easy.
i have always feared saying goodbye and said it all too often. no, i am not having a peyton sawyer "people always leave" moment, but living with two families and having a brother in the military, it had its place. despite its numerous visits, i have yet to shake the heavy gloom that lives inside the core of saying goodbye. maybe no one really does. or maybe i am just extremely sentimental. 
i am in the midst of a season of goodbyes. a season of waterworks. and regardless of how much i kick my feet or how tightly i clench my fists, i must do so. i know the Lords will is greater than anything i could imagine up. and my trust lies in that truth. a farewell is only as hard as the amount in which you let them in your heart. and my goodness i have definitely let them in--cue the moment when i snap my fingers in reluctance.-- 

when i read books, i am endlessly dying to reach the next chapter. i am afraid i have done just that. but, now that it's time to turn the page i struggle to find the strength to begin the next chapter.

how do you walk away from what is home?
